Garlic’s Food Value
An analysis of garlic shows it to contain high percentage of minerals and vitamins. It also contains traces of iodine, sulphur and chlorine.
Natural Benefits and Curative Properties
In herbal medicine, garlic has been traditionally used for such ailments as asthma, deafness, leprosy, bronchial congestion, arteriosclerosis, fevers, worms and liver and gall bladder troubles. Garlic is good for heart, a food for the hair, a stimulant to appetite, a strengthening food, useful in leucoderma, leprosy, piles, worms, catarrhal disorders, asthma and cough. Garlic is regarded as a rejuvenetor. It has been found to help remove toxins, revitalise the blood, stimulate blood circulation and normalise intestinal flora. Garlic juice has a most beneficial effect on the entire system. The ethers in garlic juice are so potent and penetrating that they help to dissolve accumulation of mucus in the sinus cavities, in the bronchial tubes and in the lungs. They help the exudation of toxins from the body through the pores of the skin.
Chest Diseases
Garlic has proved to be highly effective in certain diseases of the chest. It has been found to reduce fetidity of the breath in pulmonary gangrene. If garlic is given in sufficient quantities, it was a marvellous remedy in the treatment of pneumonia. Garlic can also be applied externally to the chest with beneficial results as it is an arritant and rubefacient. In Ayurveda, a decoction of garlic boiled in milk is considered a wonderful drug for tuberculosis. One gram of garlic, 240 ml of milk and 1 litre of water are boiled together till only one fourth of the decoction remains. It should be taken thrice in the day.
Three cloves of garlic boiled in milk, can be used every night with excellent results in asthma. A pod of garlic is peeled and macerated and boiled in 120 ml. of pure malt-venegar. After cooling it is strained and equal quantity of honey is mixed and preserved in a clean bottle. One or two teaspoons of this syrup taken with fenugreek decoction once in the evening and before retiring, has been found effective in reducing the severity of asthmatic attacks.
Digestive System Disorders
Garlic is one of the most beneficial foods for the digestive system. It exercises a beneficial effect on the lymph, aids in elimination of noxious waste matter in the body. It stimulates peristaltic action and the secretion of the digestive juices. Crushed cloves of garlic may be infused in water or milk and taken for all types of disorders of the digestion. It has an antiseptic effect and is an excellent remedy for infectious diseases and inflammations of the stomach and intestine. The oil of garlic is absorbed into the alimentary tract and is eliminated partly through the urine. Garlic produces a very marked effects on the intestine. It is an excellent agent as a worm expeller. It has also a soothing effect on the various forms of diarrhoea. Problems such as colitis, dysentery and many other intestinal upsets can be successfully treated with fresh garlic or garlic capsules. One garlic capsule taken three times a day is usually sufficient to correct mild cases of diarrhoea or dysentery. For more persistent cases, upto six capsules a day can be taken. Garlic has be ability to destroy harmful bacteria in the intestines without affecting the beneficial organisms which aid digestion.
High Blood Pressure
Garlic is regarded as one of the most effective remedies to lower blood pressure. The pressure and tension are reduced because it has be power to ease the spasm of the small arteries. It also slows the pulse and modifies the heart rhythm, besides relieving the symptoms of dizziness, shortness of breath and the formation of gas within the digestive track. As these days garlic capsules are available with the chemist shops, the average dosage of two to three capsules a day to be given to make a dent in the blood pressure. Garlic had a dilatory effect on the blood vessels, that is, it had the effect of making the blood vessels wider, thereby reducing the pressure.
Rheumatic Affliction
Garlic has been shown to exhibit an anti-inflammatory property which could account for its effectiveness in the treatment of arthritis and rheumatism. The most popular method is to take the garlic cloves orally, although some reports indicate that pain can also be relieved by locally rubbing the affected parts with cloves of cut garlic. Garlic oil is rapidly absorbed through the skin and into the blood stream and quickly reaches the affected areas.
Heart Attacks
There is proof that garlic helps break up cholesterol in the blood vessels, thus helping in the prevention of hardening of arteries which leads to high blood pressure and heart attacks. If a patient takes garlic after a heart attack, the cholesterol level will come down. The earlier damage may not be repaired but its consumption will minimise the chances of new attacks.
Garlic preparations, including extracts and juices, have been used successfully against cancer in both animal and human studies.
Skin Disorders
Garlic has also been used successfully for a variety of skin disorders. Pimples disappear without scar when rubbed with raw garlic several times a day. Even very persistent form of acne, suffered by some adults, has also been healed with garlic. The external use of garlic helps to clear the skin of spots and pimples and boils. The process is further helped by taking the garlic orally also, to purify the blood-steam so as to secure a long-term clearance of the skin. A regular course of the three garlic capsules per day should help to clear minor skin infections quickly.
Wounds and Ulcers
Garlic has been used as an antiseptic in wounds and ulcerations with beneficial results. Garlic juice with three parts of distilled water has been employed as a lotion for celansing infected wounds. Definite improvement is noticed within 24 hours and substantial improvement within 48 hours. Application of dressing containing 15% garlic juice once a day over an ulcer removes pus in a few days. It also relieves pain within a short time.
Garlic is considered an excellent remedy for diphtheria. Its constant application by chewing a clove of garlic removes the membranes, reduces temperature and relieves the patient. About 30 or 60 gms. of garlic can be used in this way in three or four hours for a week. After the membrane disappears, the same quantity of garlic should be chewed daily. The diphtheric patient has no taste or smell and merely finds the garlic hot.
Whooping Cough
Garlic is an excellent remedy for whooping cough. Syrup of garlic should be given in doses of five drops to a teaspoonful two or three times a day in this condition. It should be given more often if the coughing spells are frequent and violent.
What Are the Health Benefits of Garlic?
Garlic is a magical herb that has proven its effectiveness in almost all common ailments. It is very effective in heart diseases particularly in lowering cholesterol, LDL cholesterol and triglycerides
Chemical agents found in garlic are
•Diallyl disulphide
•Ferulic acid
•Beta Carotene
•Beta Sitosterol
•Phytic acid
Minerals found in garlic are
•Ascorbic acid
Garlic works as an antibiotic, antiviral, antifungal, antiseptic and a germicide. It is also an antioxidant, so diet
Garlic helps in preventing blood clots especially if you are prone to blood clots in the legs. It also helps in regulating blood sugar. It helps in relieving the symptoms
Apart from above, garlic is a wonderful herb that is very effective in treating various disorders and helps in improving the performance of the body. Below are some conditions in which garlic is very helpful -
•Fungal infection
about onions..
January 21, 2009 in health | Tags: Aches, Anti suicide watch.., breathing, breathing difficulties, Cancer, Chest, Chills, Cold, Colds, Coughing, cures, Diabetes, Diabetic cooking, Discomfort, flu, fluids, Headache, health, Healthy eating, Heart, heart attacks, heart problem, heart problems, juices, Medications, Onions, Preventions, Sneezing, Sore Throat, Stress, Stuffy Nose, Tiredness, treatment (Edit)
Onions and their Nutritional values:
rich in vitamins A and E, which are antioxidants. Oxidants are
substances, like free radicals, that destroy the tissue.
rich in vitamin C, calcium, iron (especially red onions) and
Did you know?
Onions constitute one of the most powerful remedies that can be commonly found in the average household. The healing effect of red onions is greater than that of white onions. While the white onion is rich in vitamin E, the red onion contains both Vitamins A and E. The onion is a powerful healer not only when eaten raw, but also fried, dried or boiled.
The fresh juice of an onion can be rubbed on burns, bites and stings. Influenza patients, given the juice of pounded onions in a warm infusion 3 times a day at the onset of the disease, can often recover within 2-3 days. Fresh onion juice mixed with honey makes a good cough syrup.
Natural therapeutic effects:
antioxidant, antidiabetic, antifungal, antiviral, antibacterial, anticancerous, anthelmintic, antiseptic, antispasmodic, carminative, diuretic, expectorant, stomachic, tonic
Beneficial in the treatment of:
coughs and colds
liver cirrhosis
kidney diseases
germs in the mouth (chew raw onions for 3 minutes)
ascites (abdominal dropsy)
splenic enlargement
nervous debility
brain fatigue
heroine (morphine) and tobacco addiction
Onions also strenghten the lungs and cleanse the colon.
Respiratory Disease
Onion is said to possess expectorant properties. It liquifies phelgm and prevents its further formation. It has been used as a food remedy for centuries in cold, cough, bronchitis and influenza. Equal amounts of onion juice and honey should be mixed and three to four teaspoon of this mixture should be taken daily in these conditions. It is one of the safest preventive medicine against common cold during winter.
Tooth Disorders
If a consumes one raw onion every day by thorough mastication, he will be protected from a host of tooth disorders. Chewing raw onion for three minutes is sufficient to kill all the germs in the mouth. Toothache is often allayed by placing a small piece of onion on the bad tooth or gum.
Onions are noted for their easily assimilable iron content. They are, therefore, beneficial in the treatment of anaemia.
Heart Disease
Onion has been found helpful and beneficial in diseases of the heart. These benefits are due to the presence of essential oil, aliypropyl disulphide, catechol, protocatechnic acid, thiopropiono aldehyde, thiocyanate, calcium, iron, phosphorus and vitamins in onion.
To get rid of coronary heart or blood pressure disorders, one should take 100 gms. of onion per day. The onion are very valuable in heart diseases as they correct thrombosis and also reduce blood cholesterol.
Skin Disorders
Onion is irritating to the skin and stimulates the circulation of blood in the mucous membrane. Warts also sometimes disappear if rubbed with cut onions. Roasted or otherwise, onions are applied as a poultice to boils, bruises, wounds, etc., to bring the boils to maturity by its heaty sensation.
Ear Disorders
Onion juice dipped on cotton wool and put into the ear is a popular Russian remedy for ringing sound in the ears. Dropped hot in the ear, it relieves earache.
Onion is an effective remedy for cholera. About 30 gms. of onion and seven black peppers should be finely pounded in a pestle and given to the patient of cholera. It allays thirst and restlessness and te patient feels better. It also lessens vomiting and diarrhoea immediately. An addition to little sugar to the recipe will increase its effectiveness.
Urinary System Disorders
Onions are highly beneficial in the treatment of urinary system disorders. For burning sensation in urine, six grams of onion should be boiled in 500 ml. of water. It should be removed from the fire when half the water has evaporated. It should then be strained, allowed to cool and given to the patient as a drink. It will relieve the burning sensation in urine. Onion rubbed in water and mixed with 60 gms. of sugar will be useful in retention of urine. It will bring abot free urination within a short time.
Bleeding Piles
Onions are valuable in bleeding piles. About 30 gms. of onions should be finely rubbed in water and 60 gms. of sugar added to it. It should be taken twice daily by the patient. It will bring relief within a few days.
Blood Sugar-Lowering Effects
The higher the intake of onion, the lower the level of glucose found during oral or intravenous glucose tolerance tests. Experimental and clinical evidence suggests that allyl propyl disulfide is responsible for this effect and lowers blood sugar levels by increasing the amount of free insulin available. Allyl propyl disulfide does this by competing with insulin, which is also a disulphide, to occupy the sites in the liver where insulin is inactivated. This results is an increase in the amount of insulin available to usher glucose into cells causing a lowering of blood sugar.
In addition, onions are a very good source of chromium, the mineral component in glucose tolerance factor, a molecule that helps cells respond appropriately to insulin. Clinical studies of diabetics have shown that chromium can decrease fasting blood glucose levels, improve glucose tolerance, lower insulin levels, and decrease total cholesterol and triglyceride levels, while increasing good HDL-cholesterol levels. Marginal chromium deficiency is common in the United States, not surprising since chromium levels are depleted by the consumption refined sugars and white flour products as well as the lack of exercise. One cup of raw onion contains over 20% of the Daily Value for this important trace mineral.
Onion and Garlic Protective against Many Cancers
Making onion and garlic a staple in your healthy way of eating may greatly lower your risk of several common cancers, suggests a large data set of case-control studies from Southern European populations (Galeone C, Pelucchi C et al, American Journal of Clinical Nutrition).
Study participants consuming the most onions showed an 84% reduced risk for cancer of the oral cavity and pharynx, 88% reduced risk for esophageal cancer, 56% reduced risk for colorectal cancer, 83% reduced risk for laryngeal cancer, 25% reduced risk for breast cancer, 73% reduced risk for ovarian cancer, 71% reduced risk for prostate cancer, and 38% reduced risk for renal cell cancer, compared to those eating the least onions. Similarly, those eating the most garlic had a 39% reduced risk for cancer of the oral cavity and pharynx, 57% reduced risk for esophageal cancer, 26% reduced risk for colorectal cancer, 44% reduced risk for laryngeal cancer, 10% reduced risk for breast cancer, 22% reduced risk for ovarian cancer, 19% reduced risk for prostate cancer, and 31% reduced risk for renal cell cancer, compared to those eating the least garlic.
4 lbs. (2 kilos) or 6 medium-large brown onions
2 T. extra virgin
olive oil
1/2 C. (118 ml) water
4 cloves garlic, crushed
8 C. (1.9 liters) water1/2 C. (118 ml)
3/4 t. salt
2 1/2 t. Spike seasoning
2 T. dry red
3 cloves garlic, cut in half
6 to 8 slices whole grain bread
to 8 vegan jack or mozzarella cheese slices or 2 C. (480 ml)
- Slice onions thinly, then cut slices in half.
- Combine onions, olive oil, and water in a large deep skillet. Sauté onions over high heat, stirring them frequently, for about 25 minutes. Turn heat down slightly, and continue cooking until well browned, about 20 minutes longer. Stir frequently and watch carefully to avoid burning onions.
- Transfer onions to a 10 to 12-quart (10 to 12-liter) stockpot, and add garlic and water. Cover pot and bring to a boil over high heat. Turn heat down to medium and simmer about 20 minutes.
- Add tamari, salt, Spike, and wine. Simmer about 5 minutes to blend flavors.
- To serve, rub each bread slice with a half-piece of garlic and toast until bread is firm. Ladle soup into ceramic or glass bowls (not plastic), and float bread on top of each bowl.
- Lay or sprinkle cheese on top of bread, and place bowls under the broiler until cheese melts. Place each bowl on a serving plate and serve immediately. Makes 6 to 8 servings.
Onions should not be store in the
refrigerator because of its high moisture atmosphere,
Have you noticed that some onions seem to keep for weeks, while others become soft and spoiled rather quickly? The secret is in the moisture content. A firm dry onion will keep considerable longer than the sweet ones that seem soft and moist at the outset.
Onions keep best in a cool, dry place, perhaps a pantry or a low cupboard away from excessive heat or light. Plenty of air circulation is beneficial to prevent spoilage. Avoid storing them under a sink where excessive dampness will hasten their demise. It’s common practice to store onions and potatoes together but not an ideal one. Potatoes have a great deal of moisture and give off a gas that causes onions to spoil more quickly. Stored carefully, onions can keep for several weeks.
Peeling Without Tears
Many a cook has devised a
favorite method for avoiding those inevitable tears while peeling
onions, everything from holding a match between the teeth, to peeling
and chopping the onions under running water. While peeling them under
running water actually does wash away the irritating allicin, it may not
always be convenient.
A method that does work successfully is to plan ahead and put the onion in the refrigerator until it is quite cold. Seems it has a chilling effect on the volatile sulfur oils. Voila! No tears!
2: Not personally now getting proper food intake can also lead to severe depression and very poor health next, severe health problems.. skipping out on meals..
3: Activity rut.. many people who have now set into a none changing activities, environments, a habitual routine, are next prone to be seriously depressed and they do not even know why? Taking a new, totally different activity, or making a personal life schedule change is often the same as a beneficial vacation for some persons.. even many professionals, college professors..
Did you yourself now know the major cause of depressions and suicides., despair include.. you might be depressed seriously and not even know it too…
Feeling down from time to time is a normal part of life. But when sadness takes hold and won’t go away, it may be depression. More than just the temporary “blues,” the lows of depression make it tough to function and enjoy life like you once did. A person with severe depression has little or no interest in work or hobbies, and may even have trouble getting out of bed. With treatment and help, you can feel better. Learning how to understand depression – including its signs, symptoms, and causes – is the first step towards next honestly, realistically recognizing and overcoming the root main problem, causes and not just trying suppress or to deal with the symptoms..
Why Do People Get Depressed? Understanding Depression
I am too busy to have time to have a depression or to deal with my depression is not a realistic approach as well.
There’s a vast difference between “feeling depressed” and suffering from clinical depression. The despondency of clinical depression is unrelenting and overwhelming. Some people describe it as “living in a black hole” or having a feeling of impending doom. They can’t escape their unhappiness and despair. However, some people with depression don’t feel sad at all. Instead, they feel lifeless and empty. In this apathetic state, they are unable to experience pleasure. Even when participating in activities they used to enjoy, they feel as if they’re just going through the motions. The signs and symptoms vary from person to person, and they may wax and wane in severity over time. Doing nothing about it generally makes it worse next.
While DEPRESSION is one of the most common mental illnesses even caused often mostly by external factors, it often can easily be cured, dealt with if not neglected, and it is rarely fatal thus.
RESULTING PERSONAL DEPRESSION ITSELF IS basically CAUSED by biochemical imbalances in the brain involving the hormone cortisol and the neurotransmitters serotonin, dopamine and norepinephrine. The tendency toward this chemical imbalance can be inherited, causing depression to run in families. A deep emotional loss may also trigger biochemical changes that cause depression. Or the brain chemistry can change for no apparent reason.
Other diseases, including thyroid conditions, lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, hormonal imbalances, multiple sclerosis and some forms of cancer, can cause depression. Usually, treating the underlying diseases relieves the depression?
People suffering from chronic illnesses such as arthritis or heart disease may develop depression. For them, treating the depression often makes it easier to cope with the other chronic illness?
While virtually anyone can develop depression, the people most likely to do so include—
Relatives of depressed people, who are about twice as likely as average to become seriously depressed themselves
Women, who suffer depression about twice as often as men
The baby boom seniors, generation, currently considered at greatest risk of all age groups
The elderly, often as a reaction to physical deterioration and the loss of friends, families and rewarding activities
Children who have suffered abuse or losses or who have a seriously depressed parent
Chronically ill people
Drug and alcohol abusers
TREATMENTS FOR DEPRESSION typically have high success rates, especially when recognized, admitted, PROPERLY DIAGNOSED. While only a third of people suffering from depression seek treatment, about 85 percent of those who receive adequate treatment have good results. It is ironic many people who too often mainly see others as being the sole cause of their own problems fail to see their own effective, proper solutions to it. We need not to lose a proper self perspective, solution now as well.
Depression is a major risk factor for suicide. There is a slow suicide approach as well, even brought on by ongoing problems, self pity, guilt, persecutions, oppressions Recognition of the problem can immediately lead to 90 percent of the solution.
Britain has one of the highest suicide rates in Europe. Each year in the UK over 5000 people take their life. The Samaritans estimate that in the UK there is a suicide every 82 minutes. The charity Depression Alliance estimates that each year there are around 19,000 suicide attempts by UK adolescents whilst more than 2 million children attend GP’s surgeries with some kind of psychological or emotional problem.Each day, two people under the age of 24 commit suicide.
People kill themselves for a variety of reasons. Sometimes drugs and alcohol are a factor, as are social factors, poverty, deprivation, mental illness, or ”psychiatric injury”. The difference is important because injury has an external cause – in other words, something – or someone – is liable. The differences between mental illness and psychiatric injury are often not recognized; understanding the differences could alter the verdict, perhaps from suicide to manslaughter. To see the differences between mental illness and psychiatric injury. Psychiatric injury- Bullying, harassment and abuse cause injury to health, which is often diagnosed as stress and anxiety but may also include severe depression.
We also all do need to learn to deal effectively and not by an ostrich approach with unresolved stress, life’s problems, Bullies and much more..
How Is Depression Different From Regular Sadness?
Everyone has some ups and downs, and sadness is a natural emotion. The normal stresses of life can lead anyone to feel sad every once in a while. Things like an argument with a friend, a breakup, doing poorly on a test, not being chosen for a team, or a best friend moving out of town can lead to feelings of sadness, hurt, disappointment, or grief. These reactions are usually brief and go away with a little time and care.
Take the time to read all of the pages here, it will help you or someone else. Life requires our personal positive continual adaptation to the ongoing, changing events that surround our life.
Now read more here on this site as well.. it will help you..
Cancer: By 2010, cancer will be the leading killer in the world, surpassing heart disease, causing more deaths than AIDS, malaria and tuberculosis combined. Cancer rates are growing in developing countries as people adopt western lifestyles, including smoking, high-fat diets, fast food and less physical activity.
More Home remedies for over Gastro-Intestinal diseases and disorders. Saliva Problems
• Without proper saliva, you cannot absorb your food properly, for food digestion begins in the mouth. Always chew carbohydrate (”starchy”) foods especially well. This includes such things as bread and all grain products, potatoes, etc. If you do not digest your food properly you can get acid reflux too.. get a heart tack and/or cancer
• If you have a dry mouth, take a little lemon juice or honey before the meal to stimulate the flow of saliva.
Vitamin A If you are not obtaining enough vitamin A, your saliva flow may be inadequate.
Vitamin A is an important nutrient. It is especially helpful in the bodies of infants and toddlers for fighting off the effects of viral infection. It helps maintain the immune system in both children and adults. It plays a critical role in the creation of thyroid hormones and is absolutely necessary for creating the pigments that allow you to see at night. You have to get your vitamin A to have healthy skin. Preserve and improve your eyesight with Vitamin A
If you get your vitamin A from food rather than supplements, what are the foods you need. Here’s the rather short list:
Food | Serving | Vitamin A, measured as retinol equivalents | Vitamin A, IU | Retinol, measured in micrograms | Retinol, measured in IU |
Cod liver oil | 1 teaspoon | 1,350 mcg | 4,500 IU | 1,350 mcg | 4,500 IU |
Egg | 1 large | 91 mcg | 303 IU | 89 mcg | 296 IU |
Butter | 1 tablespoon | 97 mcg | 323 IU | 95 mcg | 317 IU |
Whole milk | 1 cup (8 fl ounces) | 68 mcg | 227 IU | 68 mcg | 227 IU |
(Source: The Linus Pauling Institute, Oregon State University, 2005.)
To this list, you could add skim milk, usually packaged with the artificial analog of the best natural vitamin A.
Note too many people develop allergic reaction to milk, as they get older, so cheese, milk products for them are unacceptable..
There’s also vitamin A in many breakfast cereals, and, were you inclined to use it as health food, caviar. Any natural food that’s rich in vitamin A is high in fat and cholesterol.
Although vitamin A is found only in foods of animal origin, some fruits and vegetables contain compounds, called cartenoids, that can be converted into vitamin A by your body.
It is important for you to regularly eat foods that provide high vitamin A or beta-carotene even though it is stored in the liver. Stored vitamin A will help meet needs when intake of provitamin A carotenoids or preformed vitamin A is low.
Vitamin A Foods from Animal Sources
Animal Sources provide the best absorbed form of this vitamin.
Foods | IU / International Units |
%DV * |
Liver, beef, cooked, 3 oz | 30,325 | 610 |
Liver, chicken, cooked, 3 oz | 13,920 | 280 |
Egg substitute, fortified, 1/4 cup | 1355 | 25 |
Fat free milk, fortified with vitamin A, 1 cup | 500 | 10 |
Cheese pizza, 1/8 of a 12″ diameter pie | 380 | 8 |
Milk, whole, 3.25% fat, 1 cup | 305 | 6 |
Cheddar cheese, 1 ounce | 300 | 6 |
Whole egg, 1 medium | 280 | 6 |
% DV = Daily Value. DVs are reference numbers based on the Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA). They were developed to help consumers determine if a food contains a lot or a little of a specific nutrient. The DV for vitamin A is 5,000 IU (1,500 micrograms retinol). Most food labels do not list a food’s vitamin A content. |
Vitamin A Foods from Plant Sources of Beta Carotene
Plant food sources of beta carotene are not as well absorbed as animal sources of vitamin A, especially when they are consumed whole and raw. However, they are still a valuable source.
Foods | IUs | %DV * |
Carrot, 1 raw (7 1/2 inches long) | 20,250 | 410 |
Carrots, boiled, 1/2 cup slices | 19,150 | 380 |
Carrot juice, canned, 1/2 cup | 12,915 | 260 |
Sweet potatoes, canned , drained solids, 1/2 cup | 7,015 | 140 |
Spinach, frozen, boiled, 1/2 cup | 7,395 | 150 |
Mango, raw, 1 cup sliced | 6,425 | 130 |
Vegetable soup, canned, chunky, ready-to-serve, 1 cup | 5,880 | 115 |
Cantaloupe, raw, 1 cup | 5,160 | 100 |
Kale, frozen, boiled, 1/2 cup | 4,130 | 80 |
Spinach, raw, 1 cup | 2,015 | 40 |
Apricot nectar, canned, 1/2 cup | 1,650 | 35 |
Oatmeal, instant, fortified, plain, prepared with water, 1 packet | 1,510 | 30 |
Tomato juice, canned, 6 ounces | 1,010 | 20 |
Apricots, with skin, juice pack, 2 halves | 610 | 10 |
Pepper, sweet, red, raw, 1 ring, 3 inches in diameter by 1/4-inch thick | 570 | 10 |
Peas, frozen, boiled, 1/2 cup | 535 | 10 |
Peach, raw, 1 medium | 525 | 10 |
Peaches, canned, water pack, 1/2 cup halves or slices | 470 | 10 |
Papaya, raw, 1 cup cubes | 400 | 8 |
*DV = Daily Value. DVs are reference numbers based on the Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA). They were developed to help consumers determine if a food contains a lot or a little of a specific nutrient. The DV for vitamin A is 5,000 IU (1,500 micrograms retinol). |
• If you seem to have too much saliva, drink a tea of one of the following: white oak bark, goldenseal root, or bayberry.
• A chewing gum habit is not good. It overworks your salivary glands when they should be resting.
You have to look after yourself as well.
CNN - 14 hours ago
By Miriam Falco ATLANTA, Georgia (CNN) — Implementing smoke-free policies can lead to a fewer hospitalizations resulting from heart attacks, according to a new study published by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Study links smoking bans, heart attack rate Greeley Tribune
Our View: Smoking ban, one year later Northwest Herald
KKTV 11 News - The Associated Press - KDRV - Norman Transcript
all 460 news articles »
Need 8 hours of shuteye? Even 6 can cut diabetes danger, study suggests
Last Updated: Thursday, March 12, 2009 | 11:17 AM ET
CBC News
People who sleep less than six hours a night are nearly five times more likely than longer sleepers to develop a blood-sugar condition that could lead to diabetes, new U.S. research suggests.
Scientists at the University at Buffalo in New York found “short-sleeper” participants were at higher risk of developing impaired fasting glucose, which can precede Type 2 diabetes.
Type 2 diabetes is the most common form of the disease, and appears most often in middle-aged adults, although adolescents and young adults are developing it at an alarming rate.
Type 2 is the result of the body making too much insulin and not using it effectively, leading to insulin resistance. Insulin helps the body control blood sugar levels.
“This study supports growing evidence of the association of inadequate sleep with adverse health issues. Sleep should be assessed in the clinical setting as part of well-care visits throughout the life cycle,” lead author and research assistant professor Lisa Rafalson said in a news release.
The study was presented Wednesday at the American Heart Association’s 49th Annual Conference in Florida.
It is not the first study to point to sleep as a culprit in diabetes.
Lack of sleep poses other risks
Researchers at the University of Chicago Medical Center reported earlier this year that disrupting sleep damages the body’s ability to regulate blood sugar levels, potentially raising the risk of developing Type 2 diabetes.
Out of an original group of 1,455 participants, the team identified 91 whose fasting blood glucose levels of less than 100 milligrams per deciliter during initial exams in 1996-2001 had risen to between 100 mg/dL and 125 mg/dL at followup exams in 2003-2004.
The 91 were then matched with 273 participants whose glucose levels were below 100 mg/dL during initial exams and at followup. Researchers also matched the groups according to gender, race/ethnicity and year of study enrolment.
After adjusting for age, body mass index, glucose and insulin concentrations, heart rate, high blood pressure, family history of diabetes and symptoms of depression, there was an increased risk of developing impaired fasting glucose among short-sleepers compared to the mid-sleepers — those who slept six to eight hours a night during the work week.
What causes colds and the flu?
Viruses. Over 100 different viruses can cause colds. There aren’t as many viruses that cause the flu. That’s why there’s a shot for the flu and not for colds.
What can you do to feel better?
There’s no cure for a cold or the flu. Antibiotics don’t work against viruses. All you can do to feel better is treat your symptoms while your body fights off the virus (see below).
Ways to treat your cold/flu symptoms
- Stay home and rest, especially while you have a fever.
- Stop smoking and avoid secondhand smoke, which can make cold symptoms worse.
- Drink plenty of fluids like water, fruit juices and clear soups. Fluids help loosen mucus. Fluids are also important if you have a fever because fever can dry up your body’s fluids, which can lead to dehydration.
- Don’t drink alcohol.
- Gargle with warm salt water a few times a day to relieve a sore throat. Throat sprays or lozenges may also help relieve the pain.
- Use saline (salt water) nose drops to help loosen mucus and moisten the tender skin in your nose.
Should you take medicine for a cold or the flu?
No medicine can cure a cold or the flu. Medicine can, however, help relieve some of your cold or flu symptoms. Check with your doctor before giving any medicine to children.
Symptom | Cold | Flu |
Fever | Fever is rare with a cold. | Fever is usually present with the flu in up to 80% of all flu cases. A temperature of 100°F or higher for 3 to 4 days is associated with the flu. |
Coughing | A hacking, productive (mucus- producing) cough is often present with a cold. | A non-productive (non-mucus producing) cough is usually present with the flu (sometimes referred to as dry cough). |
Aches | Slight body aches and pains can be part of a cold. | Severe aches and pains are common with the flu. |
Stuffy Nose | Stuffy nose is commonly present with a cold and typically resolves spontaneously within a week. | Stuffy nose is not commonly present with the flu. |
Chills | Chills are uncommon with a cold. | 60% of people who have the flu experience chills. |
Tiredness | Tiredness is fairly mild with a cold. | Tiredness is moderate to severe with the flu. |
Sneezing | Sneezing is commonly present with a cold. | Sneezing is not common with the flu. |
Sudden Symptoms | Cold symptoms tend to develop over a few days. | The flu has a rapid onset within 3-6 hours. The flu hits hard and includes sudden symptoms like high fever, aches and pains. |
Headache | A headache is fairly uncommon with a cold. | A headache is very common with the flu, present in 80% of flu cases. |
Sore Throat | Sore throat is commonly present with a cold. | Sore throat is not commonly present with the flu. |
Chest Discomfort | Chest discomfort is mild to moderate with a cold. | Chest discomfort is often severe with the flu. |
How do I treat a cold? |
Take an Over the Counter medication to make yourself more comfortable by easing symptoms. |
How do I treat the flu? |
How do I prevent colds and flus? |
What should I know about the flu vaccine? |
How can you tell if you have a cold or the flu?
A cold and the flu cause many of the same symptoms. But a cold is generally mild, while the flu tends to be more severe.
Emergency Cold/Flu Symptoms:
In children:
- High (above 102 F) or prolonged fever
- A cold that lasts for more than 10 days
- Trouble breathing, fast breathing or wheezing
- Bluish skin color
- Not drinking enough fluids
- Earache or drainage from the ear
- Changes in mental state (such as not waking up, irritability or seizures)
- Flu-like symptoms that improve, but return with a fever and a worse cough
- Worsening of chronic medical condition (such as diabetes or heart disease)
In adults:
- High (above 102 F) or prolonged fever
- A cold that lasts for more than 10 days
- Trouble breathing or shortness of breath
- Pain or pressure in the chest
- Fainting or feeling like you are about to faint
- Confusion or disorientation
- Severe or persistent vomiting
- Severe pain in your face or forehead
- Hoarseness, sore throat or a cough that won’t go away
Reuters - WASHINGTON (Reuters) – People who sleep less than seven hours a night are three times as likely to catch a cold as their more well-rested friends and neighbours, US researchers reported on Monday.
Good night’s sleep may prevent a cold, study finds Boston Globe
7 Tips on Fighting Off a Cold U.S. News & World Report
Washington Post - Minneapolis Star Tribune - WebMD - AHN
all 422 news articles »
A few extra pounds helps you live longer, study finds -
Study: Overweight People Live Longer WebMD
Heavy drinking-prostate cancer link confirmed Men who drink 14 or more drinks a week are 20 per cent more likely to develop prostate cancer, according to an international review co-authored by a University of Victoria researcher.
Boozing men risk prostate cancer: Study Calgary Herald
Study links heavier drinking to increase prevalence for prostate … The Canadian Press
Omega-3 Fatty Acids Guard Against Advanced Prostate Cancer U.S. News & World Report - TUESDAY, March 24 (HealthDay News) — Omega-3 fatty acids could help protect men against advanced prostate cancer, researchers report.
Heart disease can catch up to you if you don’t watch what you eat
Heart attack is
directly responsible for about 11% of all deaths in Canada every year.
This represents half of all deaths due to coronary artery disease.
2003, heart attack was the leading cause of death from circulatory
diseases, at 48 deaths per 100,000 Canadians. Lung cancer was the
leading cause of death from cancer, at 47 deaths per 100,000. Mortality
for heart attack, stroke, and prostate cancer decreased between 2000 and
2003. Heart attack mortality decreased from 56 deaths per 100,000
Canadians in 2000 to 48 in 2003. Stroke mortality fell from 35 to 32
deaths per 100,000 Canadians. Prostate cancer mortality decreased from
27 to 24 deaths per 100,000 men.
IN ONE YEAR 60% of fatally injured drivers in Canada had a positive
reading for blood alcohol and 160,000 people were convicted of
YEAR. gENERALLY alcohol-related driving offences account for
approximately 25% of all Criminal Code prosecutions. ” If you drink and
drive, it’s everybody’s business”
A survey of Ontario
policing found that, on average, a police officer laid 2.5
drinking driving charges per year. The study suggests several reasons
for low enforcement rates:
not enough personnel (small towns only
have one patrol unit that has to be available for emergencies and cannot
be sidetracked by an impaired driving situation)
- time-consuming
arrest proceedings (including the availability of a technician for
BAC testing)
-attitudes of officers and administrators (not a
serious crime, too time-consuming)
- the court system (many forms to
process the charge, mistakes lead to acquittals)
-amount of paperwork
required (2 hour average to do paperwork) (Vingilis, 1991, 202)
Research ALSO found a significant divergence in the punishments given to impaired drivers BY THE POLICE AND THE COURTS.
In an average year in Canada, impaired driving killed 1,212 persons, injured 71,532, and caused damage to 236,375 vehicles, translating into 1,010 fatal crashes, 48,890 injury-only crashes and 155,510 property-damage only (PDO) crashes, totaling an average of 205,410 crashes in all. In turn, on average, this cost Canadians between $1.90 billion (Real Dollar Estimate model) and $11.28 billion (Willingness to Pay model) dollars, depending on the costing model and assumptions used. To put this another way, that represents a cost of between about $59.00 and $341.00 per Canadian. EXCLUDING THE EXTRA COSTS FOR INSURANCE NOW TOO..
Jurisdiction Estimated Fatalities, 2006
British Columbia 458
Saskatchewan 157
Manitoba 144
Quebec 692
New Brunswick
Nova Scotia
Prince Edward Island 28
Newfoundland & Labrador
Yukon, NW Territory & Nunavut 27
Jurisdiction Estimated % Alcohol-Involved – Fatalities,
British Columbia 36.70%
Saskatchewan 47.90%
Ontario 34.30%
In 2006, it was estimated that about 368,396 individuals were injured in motor vehicle crashes. MADD Canada estimates that approximately 75,374 of these individuals were injured in impaired driving crashes (207 per day). Note that this figure does not include impaired crash injuries occurring on the water.
I am always amazed that many professionals even not just the seniors have not yet learned about eating properly as well.
Cereals for breakfast with a juice is recommended, and a piece of cheese too
Rice, vegetables and meat, or fish for lunch
Fruit, banana, Muffin for an afternoon snack.
Potatoes, pasta with vegetables, meat for supper
You should note that refined grains are generally low in magnesium. When white flour is processed, the magnesium rich germ and bran are removed. Bread made from whole grain wheat flour provides more magnesium than bread made from white refined flour. Tap water can be a source of magnesium, but the amount varies according to the water supply. Water that naturally contains more minerals is described as “hard”. “Hard” water usually contains more magnesium than “soft” water.
The people who need to increase their magnesium intake can select foods from this high magnesium food summary list. It is not necessary to take magnesium supplements, to achieve a high level of magnesium nutrition.
the USDA Nutrient Database |
USDA NDB Ref. # |
Food Group | Magnes. per measure mgs |
Weight grams |
Common Measure |
Notes |
. FISH – Broiled | |||||
15037 |
Halibut |
91 | 85 | 3 oz. | - |
15221 |
Tuna |
54 | 85 | 3 oz. | Yellowfin, fresh, cooked |
. FRUITS | |||||
11008 |
Artichokes |
101 | 168 | 1 cup | - |
09040 |
Banana |
34 | 118 | 1 med. | - |
09094 |
Figs, dried |
44 | 76 | 4 figs | (doubled – more reasonable) |
. GRAINS | |||||
20005 |
Barley, pearled, raw |
158 | 200 | 1 cup | - |
20011 |
Buckwheat flour |
301 | 120 | 1 cup | Whole-groat |
20033 |
Oat Bran, raw |
221 | 94 | 1 cup | - |
20037 |
Rice, brown |
84 | 195 | 1 cup | - |
20080 |
Wheat Flour, whole |
166 | 120 | 1 cup | - |
. JUICES | |||||
09294 |
Prune juice |
36 | 256 | 1 cup | - |
. DAIRY | |||||
01095 |
Milk, canned, condensed |
80 | 306 | 1 cup | Sweetened |
01117 |
Yogurt, low fat |
39 | 227 | 8 oz. | 12 grams of protein/ ounce |
. NUTS | |||||
12061 |
Almonds |
156 | 56 | 2 oz. | (doubled – more reasonable) |
12078 |
Brazil nuts |
128 | 56 | 2 oz. | (doubled – more reasonable) |
12585 |
Cashews |
148 | 56 | 2 oz. | (doubled – more reasonable) |
12147 |
Pine nuts |
132 | 56 | 2 oz. | (doubled – more reasonable) |
(All cooked) | ||||
11008 |
Artichoke |
101 | 168 | 1 cup | - |
16006 |
Beans, baked |
81 | 254 | 1 cup | - |
16015 |
Beans, Black |
120 | 172 | 1 cup | - |
16034 |
Beans, Kidney, canned |
72 | 256 | 1 cup | - |
16072 |
Beans, Lima |
81 | 188 | 1 cup | - |
16038 |
Beans, navy |
107 | 182 | 1 cup | - |
16043 |
Beans, Pinto |
94 | 171 | 1 cup | - |
16103 |
Beans, refried |
83 | 252 | 1 cup | - |
16051 |
Beans, white |
134 | 262 | 1 cup | - |
11087 |
Beet Greens |
98 | 144 | 1 cup | - |
11093 |
Broccoli, frozen |
37 | 184 | 1 cup | - |
16057 |
Chickpeas |
79 | 164 | 1 cup | Garbanzo beans |
20020 |
Cornmeal |
155 | 138 | 1 cup | - |
11192 |
Cowpeas |
86 | 165 | 1 cup | Black-eyed peas |
16070 |
Lentils |
71 | 198 | 1 cup | - |
11281 |
Okra, cooked |
94 | 184 | 1 cup | - |
11299 |
Parsnips |
45 | 156 | 1 cup | - |
11313 |
Peas, frozen |
46 | 160 | 1 cup | - |
11424 |
Pumpkin, canned |
56 | 245 | 1 cup | - |
12516 |
Pumpkin Seeds |
151 | 28 | 1 oz. | - |
11451 |
Soybeans |
108 | 180 | 1 cup | - |
11461 |
Spinach, canned |
163 | 214 | 1 cup | - |
11458 |
Spinach, cooked |
157 | 180 | 1 cup | - |
11642 |
Squash, Summer |
43 | 180 | 1 cup | - |
11512 |
Sweet Potatoes, canned |
56 | 255 | 1 cup | with the skin |
11674 |
Potatoes |
57 | 202 | 1 potato | most is in the skin |
11546 |
Tomato, paste |
134 | 262 | 1 cup | - |
Over 100 mg. in BOLD RED |
List of Magnesium Rich Foods
Try to include as many foods rich in magnesium in your diet as possible, and supplement the shortfall with bio-available AlgaeCal. Below is a list of foods containing magnesium
Foods High in Magnesium | Serving Size | Magnesium (mg) |
Beans, black | 1 cup | 120 |
Broccoli, raw | 1 cup | 22 |
Halibut | 1/2 fillet | 170 |
Nuts, peanuts | 1 oz | 64 |
Okra, frozen | 1 cup | 94 |
Oysters | 3 oz | 49 |
Plantain, raw | 1 medium | 66 |
Rockfish | 1 fillet | 51 |
Scallop | 6 large | 55 |
Seeds, pumpkin and squash | 1 oz (142 seeds) | 151 |
Soy milk | 1 cup | 47 |
Spinach, cooked | 1 cup | 157 |
Tofu | 1/4 block | 37 |
Whole grain cereal, ready-to-eat | 3/4 cup | 24 |
Whole grain cereal, cooked | 1 cup | 56 |
Whole wheat bread | 1 slice | 24 |
Food Sources of Magnesium ranked by milligrams of magnesium per standard amount; also calories in the standard amount. (All are >- 10% of RDA for adult men, which is 420 mg/day.)
Food, Standard Amount |
Magnesium (mg) |
Calories |
Pumpkin and squash seed kernels, roasted, 1 oz |
151 |
148 |
Brazil nuts, 1 oz |
107 |
186 |
Bran ready-to-eat cereal (100%), ~1 oz |
103 |
74 |
Halibut, cooked, 3 oz |
91 |
119 |
Quinoa, dry, ¼ cup |
89 |
159 |
Spinach, canned, ½ cup |
81 |
25 |
Almonds, 1 oz |
78 |
164 |
Spinach, cooked from fresh, ½ cup |
78 |
20 |
Buckwheat flour, ¼ cup |
75 |
101 |
Cashews, dry roasted, 1 oz |
74 |
163 |
Soybeans, mature, cooked, ½ cup |
74 |
149 |
Pine nuts, dried, 1 oz |
71 |
191 |
Mixed nuts, oil roasted, with peanuts, 1 oz |
67 |
175 |
White beans, canned, ½ cup |
67 |
154 |
Pollock, walleye, cooked, 3 oz |
62 |
96 |
Black beans, cooked, ½ cup |
60 |
114 |
Bulgur, dry, ¼ cup |
57 |
120 |
Oat bran, raw, ¼ cup |
55 |
58 |
Soybeans, green, cooked, ½ cup |
54 |
127 |
Tuna, yellowfin, cooked, 3 oz |
54 |
118 |
Artichokes (hearts), cooked, ½ cup |
50 |
42 |
Peanuts, dry roasted, 1 oz |
50 |
166 |
Lima beans, baby, cooked from frozen, ½ cup |
50 |
95 |
Beet greens, cooked, ½ cup |
49 |
19 |
Navy beans, cooked, ½ cup |
48 |
127 |
Tofu, firm, prepared with nigaria , ½ cup |
47 |
88 |
Okra, cooked from frozen, ½ cup |
47 |
26 |
Soy beverage, 1 cup |
47 |
127 |
Cowpeas, cooked, ½ cup |
46 |
100 |
Hazelnuts, 1 oz |
46 |
178 |
Oat bran muffin, 1 oz |
45 |
77 |
Great northern beans, cooked, ½ cup |
44 |
104 |
Oat bran, cooked, ½ cup |
44 |
44 |
Buckwheat groats, roasted, cooked, ½ cup |
43 |
78 |
Brown rice, cooked, ½ cup |
42 |
108 |
Haddock, cooked, 3 oz |
42 |
95 |
a Calcium sulfate
and magnesium chloride.
Magnesiun plays many roles in your body, including:2
- Gives rigidity
AND flexibility to your bones
- Increases
bioavailability of calcium
- Regulates and
normalizes blood pressure
- Prevents and
reverses kidney stone formation
- Promotes
restful sleep
- Helps prevent
congestive heart failure
- Eases muscle
cramps and spasms
- Lowers serum
cholesterol levels and triglycerides
- Decreases
insulin resistance
- Can prevent
artherosclerosis and stroke
- End cluster
and migraine headaches
- Enhances
- Relieves
fibromyalgia and chronic pain
- Treats asthma
and emphysema
- Helps make
- Encourages
proper elimination
- Prevents osteoporosis
Magnesium is a magnificent mineral and imperative for good health.
But a poor diet
of processed foods and a stressful lifestyle can lead to mineral
deficiencies, including magnesium. If you ARE deficient in magnesium,
you may notice a wide range of symptoms.
Magnesium Deficiency
Because magnesium is active in so many different processes in your body, magnesium deficiency symptoms are varied and can include:
- Insomnia
- Anxiety,
hyperactivity, restlessness
- Constipation
- Muscle spasms,
twitches, soreness
- Difficulty
- Back
- Headaches
- Chest
tightness and difficulty breathing
- Heart
- High blood
- Extreme
- Osteoporosis
Any of these common symptoms may indicate that you need more magnesium in your diet, but this simple mineral can help eliminate these symptoms and enhance your health.
Are Your Getting Too Much Calcium? “Another risk factor for low magnesium status in older women is the use of calcium supplements without magnesium for bone health. High calcium intakes can make magnesium deficiency worse.” |
The first step, of course, is to basically just eat more magnesium rich foods, especially beans, nuts and vegetables.
- Eat a Variety of Foods daily, vary your food intake significantly
- Maintain Desirable Weight for your height. Get plenty of physical exercise as well.
- Avoid Too Much Fat, Saturated Fat, and Cholesterol, fried foods
- Eat Foods with Adequate Starch and Fiber, eat plenty of vegetables, generally a double of your normal portion..
- Avoid Too Much Sugar, do use artificial sweeteners instead..
- Avoid Too Much Sodium, salt, learn to live without it
- If You Drink Alcoholic Beverages, Do So in much Moderation
- Drink at least 1.5 liters of water daily, including juices