Carriers of God's Anointing   by Jean - Claude Soupin


Many books had been written on the "anointing." This generation is a blessed one. Knowledge is being increased both in secular and spiritual realms.

Nevertheless, I have met many people boasting about the anointing, but only a few who really walk in the anointing.

Fourteen years as a disciple of Jesus, I am still learning, longing and yearning to continuously walk in the anointing. One thing I have learned is that in order to walk in th anointing there is a price to pay, and it is not cheap. It is something to receive the anointing and another thing to walk in it. I pray that through this book, my best friend, the Holy Spirit will enable me to help those who have decided to pay the price. Otherwise, they will just have read another book. [All scripture references are from the NKJV unless otherwise noted.]

Chapter 1
The Anointing

Firstly, what does it mean to anoint, the anointing or to be anointed? There are many Hebrew and Greek words in relation to anointing. But for the sake of study, I will only mention a few.

-Hebrew - verb
Mashach: To rub with oil, to consecrated and to paint.
Cwk: Pronounce 'sook': To smear over.
Murizoz: To apply (unguent).

The Basic meaning of the word anoint is simply to smear something on an object. Usually oil is involved, but it could be other substances such as paint or dye. This gives the idea that to anoint something or someone is an act of consecration.

-Hebrew - noun
Mashyach: 'anointed one' one who is consecrated for a special office or function.

In simple terms, the anointing is the presence of the Holy Spirit being smeared upon someone. It is the overflowing life of Jesus which imparts supernatural strength enabling an individual to perform a special task or function in an office he is called and appointed to.

In ancient times, God would anoint an individual to function effectively to a particular office. For example, He would choose a person and anoint him to stand in the office of a prophet. He would choose another and anoint him to stand in the office of a priest. He would choose still another one and anoint him to stand in the office of a king.

David, God's chosen one, had the anointing of a king, a prophet and also a priest.

David as king -

"Arise, anoint him..." 1 Samuel 16"12

David as prophet -

"...The spirit of the Lord spoke by me..." 2 Samuel 28:2

David as priest -

"...And David built there an altar to the Lord, and offered burnt offerings and peace offerings..." 2 Samuel 24:25

These office were also combined in Christ the Messiah and for the spirit-filled church.

Jesus our model

When you study about the life of Jesus, it is not a secret that when He was here on earth, He walked in the anointing. When He became incarnate, He emptied Himself of the glory that He had with the Father before the foundation of the world as the pre-incarnate word of God. The glory of being equal with the Father in the gospel of Matthew chapter 3, Jesus came to John the Baptist at the Jordan river to be baptized by him. When He had been baptized, the heavens were opened to Him, and He waw the spirit of God descending like a dove by the Holy Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil. Soon after, Jesus won the first round and started Him ministry with the anointing.

In Luke 4:18, 19, He said,

The spirit of the Lord is upon me because He has anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor; He has sent me to heal the brokenhearted; Tp proclaim liberty to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind, To set at liberty those who are oppressed;

To proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord.

 You can see what the anointing of God can do in the life of an individual who is called by God. After the wilderness experience, Jesus did not remain passive, but He started to demonstrate the power of God's kingdom in destroying the works of the devil. The anointing is for service to the King of kings. It is not to build our little kingdoms on earth. Jesus was there to do God's will, not to please an organization, nor man but to be the carrier of God's anointing.

There is no power, no atomic bomb, and no technology that can destroy the works of the enemy of our souls. It is only the anointing of El Shaddai that can break the yokes.

It shall come to pass in that day that his burden will be taken away from your shoulder, and his yoke from your neck, and the yoke will be destroyed because of the anointing oil.  Isaiah 10:27

If Jesus needed to be anointed on earth, we need also to be anointed, otherwise we will be no match for the devil.

Known In Hell

In the book of Acts chapter 19, we have an account where Paul was in Ephesus speaking about the Holy Spirit. He was full of the anointing where God worked unusual miracles by his hands so that handkerchiefs and aprons were brought from his body to the sick, and the diseases left them and the evil spirit went out of them.

There were some imitators who were not called by God and, without the anointing, who tried to cast out evil spirits.

And the evil spirit answered, Jesus I know, and Paul I know, but who are you?  Acts 19:15

Jesus was known and is known in Hell. Paul also was known in Hell. The anointing was so strong upon them the evil spirit seems to say:

"When these guys awake every morning, It makes hell tremble. But you, who are you?"

Then the man in whom the evil spirit was, leaped on them, overpowered them, and prevailed against them, so that they fled out of that house naked and wounded. Acts 19:16

These people were trying to merchandise the anointing. Satan is not a creator. He is a duplicator and a counterfeiter. He always tries to imitate the genuine, right in the midst of many Christian gatherings. He administrates imitations. Now please don't misunderstand. These are genuine moves of the Holy Spirit, but in these last days we must discern, having the eyes of our spirit enlightened to detect the imitation from the genuine. We must not take everything for granted. Those who are really anointed will bring life to others.

The Spirit of Korah

In Numbers, chapter 16, there was a man named Korah, a Levite. This man had a hidden agenda. He was inspired by the devil and caused 250 leaders of the congregation to contend and rebel against God's instituted authority figures - Moses and Aaron. Korah was jealous and wanted to win the priesthood for himself and his associates. We know about their end. They lost their lives.

Then in Numbers, chapter 17, God spoke to Moses and told him to get a rod from each tribe leader (twelve in all). The name of each leader should be written on each rod. Particularly, Aaron's name was to be written on his rod.

...the rod of the man whom I choose will blossom; Numbers 17:4-5

Now it came to pass on the next day, that Moses went into the tabernacle of witness, and behold, the rod of Aaron, of the house of Levi, had sprouted and put forth buds, had produced blossoms, and yielded ripe almonds.
Numbers 17:8

God said in verse 10, that it will be a sign against the rebels.

God put life in the rod of Aaron. Aaron was a ministry of life. If you are sitting under a ministry where you are dying, get out before it is too late. Anyone called by God and anointed must be a life-giver.

Paul said in I Corinthians 2:4:

And my speech and my preaching were not with persuasive words of human wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power.

Chapter 2
Oil, A Symbol of the Holy Spirit

The word "symbol" is made up of two Greek words. Sym which means "together", and ballein, which means "to throw."

Both words "thrown together" denotes an object used to represent something else. An emblem is the use of one thing to represent another. Therefore, oil is a symbol of the Holy Spirit because of some proper characteristics.

Now, let us have a look in the book of Exodus chapter 30 and let the Holy Spirit give us insight to understand more in the realm of anointing.

Moreover the Lord spoke to Moses saying, Also take for yourself quality spices - five hundred shekels of liquid myrrh, half as much sweet smelling cinnamon (two hundred and fifty shekels), two hundred and fifty of sweet smelling cane. Five hundred shekels of cassia, according to the shekel of sanctuary and a him of olive oil. And you shall make from these a holy anointing oil, an ointment compounded according to the art of the perfumer. It shall be a holy anointing oil.
Exodus 30:22-25

First mentioned are the spices and their appropriate weight. The spices which were to be used must be of quality (NKJV) or principal (KJV). It is from the Hebrew word roshe meaning - the head, the chief, the first, or excellent.

God instructed Moses to use the best spices as ingredients of the anointing oil. They were valuable, costly and rare. They were not common or cheap.

There were four spices plus a hin of olive oil that were to be used.

Calamus (or cane)
and olive oil

The number "5" in the Bible speaks of GRACE. Grace means FAVOUR. God knows that man had become a weak creature after the fall and he is no match for the devil. Therefore, He yearns to supply us by His Spirit the anointing, to favour His children with His ability and strength to re-enforce Jesus' victory on Calvary.

Now, let's describe each spice and its spiritual application.


Myrrh is a pale yellow gummy substance or liquid from a small thorny shrub which grows in Somalia, Ethiopia and Arabia. It is used for spice or as an ointment. The best of it flows freely without the act of man. The oil of myrrh is purifying in its application. It is very costly. Fragrant at the smell and bitter to the taste. It is also used as a balm to rub on sore parts of the body to bring relief.

So, the person of the Holy Spirit is a gift given by the grace of God to the body of Christ. He cannot be purchased because He is priceless. He shall never be addressed as "it", because He is God and needs to be obeyed and worshiped.

The first thing He wants to do in an individual so that person can be used as a vessel of honor is to bring the spiritual myrrh to purify the vessel.

...He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire. Matthew 3:11

The fire of the Holy Spirit is not for our destruction, but for our purification - to render us fit for the Master's use.

If a man therefore purge himself from these, he shall be a vessel unto honour, sanctified, and meet for the Master's use, and prepared unto every good work.
II Timothy 2:21

Though we go through the fire of purification, the Holy Spirit is our Comforter. When someone goes through this process, he sometimes endures some pain. But the Comforter rubs His sweet presence on the aching parts to bring relief.

If you want to be used by God, my dear brothers and sister, let the fire of the Holy Spirit come and burn all the straws (which are impurities of the flesh). Sure, the experience of purification is bitter, but in the end we will be a sweet fragrance in the nostrils of our Beloved Father. Therefore, myrrh speaks of purification.


The cinnamon oil is distilled from the bark of the cinnamon tree growing in Ceylon. It is something very tasty and is usually used to flavor food because of its pleasant aroma.

God said to Israel in Leviticus 26:31, "I will not smell the fragrance of your sweet aromas." Because of the disobedience of Israel, whatever they were offering or doing for God's satisfaction was not pleasant to Him. Whenever God's children are disobedient to Him, He is not pleased with their prayers or whatever sacrifice they can offer to Him. God cannot be bribed.

To obey is better than sacrifice. I Samuel 15:22

In the book of Ecclesiastes chapter 5, God addressed these as fools who offer a sacrifice to Him but were not obedient to Him. I know of many precious servants of God (called by God) who can be powerful instruments in the hands of God Almighty, but they remain stagnant and unfruitful.

They are satisfied with what is good, and they don't go for the best. Why? It is because they have chosen rather to obey man and man-made traditions other than God. To obey God there is a price to pay, and it's not cheap.

You will have to let go of many things which you have put your trust in. You will lose many so-called "friends." You are their friends as long as you stay in "their" church. When you leave, you become their "enemy." At a certain time in your life and having paid the price, you will feel yourself lonely, misunderstood and rejected by someone. This is the cost of the sweet spiritual cinnamon, but in the end it will pay off.

It is at this very moment that the blending process by the master apothecary starts. He will be your real partner and will bring genuine and faithful friends to your side. Then your life will be tasteful and a pleasant aroma unto God. The cinnamon speaks of obedience.

Calamus (or cane)

The calamus is a sweet cane plant of about ten feet high growing in Asia in marshy places. When it is crushed and broken, it exudes a sweet fragrance. The more it is broken, more of the fragrance is exuded. In its spiritual application, the calamus speaks of brokenness.

But on this one will I look on him who is poor and oaf a contrite spirit, and who trembles at my word. Isaiah 66:2

The word contrite in Hebrew is "nakeh" meaning smitten. A second word "dakah" meaning to crumble, to bruise, to break into pieces. Now the word to refer in Hebrew is "nabat" - meaning to to regard with pleasure, to favour, to care, to consider and to have respect.

When you study the book of Mark, chapter 14, you can learn a valuable lesson concerning brokenness. Many precious friends in the service of the Lord are battling to walk in the anointing in a high level, but find themselves at the same measure they started. It is because they have not passed from the brokenness stage. Therefore, an ingredient is missing in their lives.

In the book of Mark, there was a certain woman who came into the house of Simon, the leper, where Jesus was in Bethany. This woman was in possession of a very precious thing - an alabaster flask of spikenard. It is a very expensive and rare substance extracted from a variety of bearded grass growing in India. This flask of spikenard had cost the woman about three hundred days of labor. How many years might this woman have worked to save money to buy it when some merchants came to her village, maybe once a year? She bought some this year, some next year and so on.

When the flask was filled, she sealed it and kept it to anoint her bridegroom on the day of their wedding. But the Bible says that she broke the flask, her life of sacrifice, and poured the spikenard on the head of Jesus.

The people were mad at her. She gave to Jesus the most precious and valuable thing that a woman could possess and reserve for her husband-to-be.

For the perfume to be exuded, the flask had to be broken. For the Calamus to exude its sweet fragrance, it must be bruised and broken. For one's life to be pleasurable and acceptable to be God's carrier of His anointing, one must be broken.

The Calamus must always stand erect in muddy waters.

It speaks about pride.

Pride can prevent you from experiencing brokenness. As long as a person keeps pride, he cannot carry a high level of the anointing in his life. We used to say, "Hey, have you noticed how many people I have in my church. How much money I have in the bank. The car I am driving. I don't preach to small churches. I preach only in big ones. I don't submit to anyone sir, I am the authority." We must change that kind of attitude. It is pride sir, I call it by its name. Get rid of pride, or you will stop the flow of God's anointing in your life.

God says in His word that He will consider, have pleasure and respect favorably him who has been broken.

For it seems to me that God has made an exhibit of us Apostles, exposing us to view last [of all, like men in triumphal procession who are] sentenced to death [and displayed at the end of the line]. For we have become a spectacle to the world - a show in the world's amphitheater - with both men and angels [as spectators].

We are [looked upon as] fools on account of Christ and for His sake, but you are [supposedly] so amazingly wise and prudent in Christ! We are weak but you are [so very] strong! You are highly esteemed, but we are in disrepute and contempt!

To this hour we have gone both hungry and thirsty, we habitually wear but one undergarment [and shiver in the cold]; we are roughly knocked about and wander around homeless.

And we still toil unto weariness [for our living] working hard with our own hands. When men revile us, that is, wound us with an accursed sting - we bless them. When we are persecuted, we take it patiently and endure it.

When we are slandered and defamed, we [try to] answer softly and bring comfort. We have been made and are now the rubbish and filth of the world. The offscouring of all things, the scum of the earth.
I Corinthians 4:9-13 (amplified version).

In other words, Paul said, "We have lost our reputation. We have not the approval of man. We have been broken."

But God is saying, "You who have lost your reputation. You who have been broken. You who are not approved by man. I, God, am taking over. You now have approval. My anointing over your life is My approval. I am regarding you with pleasure. I respect you, and I will continuously bestow my favour upon you."


Cassia is the aromatic bark of a tree growing in Arabia. It is often used by some doctors as medicine. Cassia is derived from a Hebrew root word - quadad meaning to bend, to bow, or to stoop.

Bow down, then, before the strong hand of God. He will raise you up, when His time to deliver you comes.
1 Peter 5:6 (Knox translation)

Cassia speaks of humility.

Pride is not an influence. It is a demon spirit trying to destroy the life of the people of God. Earlier when I wrote on Calamus, I spoke briefly on pride. But in this part of study, we will go a step further.

Over all the pride of earth, he reigns supreme.
Job4:34 (Knox translation)

When you study this chapter of Job, you will notice that the writer was speaking about Leviathan. It is said that he reigns supreme over all the pride of the earth. Then all who are tolerating pride in their lives are making Leviathan their master.

The man who hopes to master him will be disillusioned; at the sight of him a person is paralyzed.
Job 4:9 (Berkeley version)

Leviathan is paralyzing homes, businesses and ministries etc. Through pride, it is stopping the flow of life and brining stagnancy. No human being can master the king of pride.

When roused, he grows ferocious, no one can face him in a fight. Job 41:10 (Jerusalem version)

Leviathan means a wreathed animal such as a serpent, a crocodile or a large sea monster. It speaks about satan himself, wreathed with the scales of pride. (Job 41:15).

When one is anointed, he is rubbed with the very presence of God. But when one allows pride in his heart, he is "rubbed" with the scales of Leviathan which are:

Pride - unduly high opinions of one's own qualities or merits.

Arrogance - overbearance through an exaggerated feeling of one's superiority.

Contention - an assertion made in arguing.

Boasting - speaking of oneself in such a manner to impress people.

Haughty - proud of oneself and looking down on others.

Witchcraft - misuse of spiritual power to control others.

Control - the power of restraint.

Manipulation - to influence craftily in order to cause others to wuit one's purpose.

Domination - to have a commanding or controlling influence over.

Rebellion - refusing allegiance to an established government, open resistance to righteousness authority.

Stubbornness - not easy to deal with.

Stubbornness leads to rebellion, rebellion leads to pride and pride leads to destruction.

Submission is the path to humility and humility is that path to promotion. A continuous walk in humility will cause a double portion of God's anointing to flow in an individual's life.

Strength has made a home in his neck, fear leaps before him as he goes. Job 41:22 (Jerusalem version)

Fear is a companion of pride. One who is prideful also has fear in his life. One who leans totally upon the Lord is not afraid.

For I know thy rebellion and thy stiff-necked. Deuteronomy 3:27

The strength of Leviathan resides in its neck. When someone is stubborn (stiff-necked) satan controls his strength, and the flow of God's anointing in his life commences to be dry.

If someone has grey areas in his life, God will speak to him many times for him to make readjustment and to repent. If this person disobeys and becomes stiff-necked, it will lead him to rebellion. Then the door will be opened for Leviathan to wow the seed of pride. When pride's seed is fully grown, the scales will start to grow, then destruction will begin.

I have pursued my enemies and overtaken them, neither did I turn back again till they were destroyed.

I have wounded them so that they could not rise, they have fallen under my feet.

For you have armed me with strength for the battle, you have subdued under me those who rose up against me.

You have also given me the necks of my enemies...
Psalms 18:37-40.

God has given to us the neck of Leviathan. When we walk in humility, we will walk in the anointing and the yoke will be broken in our lives.

Olive Oil

The olive oil was one of the main tree crops of ancient Israel. It was during the month of November that the olives were picked and pressed for oil.

Olive trees can stand for long periods of drought. They take two years to mature, and then the fruits ripen slowly. The olives are placed on a grooved stone wheel and another stone is turned over them which is worked by a beam. The pulp is then pressed under weight. The oil runs into stone vats where it is then left for sometime to settle and clear.

Then was Jesus led up of the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted of the devil. And when he had fasted forty days and forty nights... Matthew 4:1-2

Remember that the olive trees can stand for long periods of drought, and the olives must be pressed under weight to obtain the oil.

Forty has a spiritual meaning - Probation and trial.

The oil from the olives speaks of probation by trial. After Jesus had His time of probation by trial in the wilderness, He came out victorious and started His miraculous ministry.

To remind you, I told you earlier that there is a price to pay to carry a high level of anointing. You will lose your reputation by those you consider as friends, and you can be abandoned by everyone around you. It will seem as if you are living in the wilderness, but you will be able (by God's grace) to stand long periods of drought. Not many have passed the test of the wilderness.

For many are called, but few are chosen. Matthew 22:14.

The anointing is a sign of God's approval over God's chosen vessels. It is not for public demonstration to make a show, but to serve the King of kings. After one's probation by trial, he will be fit to be a carrier of God's power in a greater level.

The word trying or testing in Greek is dokimos. It means approval. It is a word found on the undersides of many ancient pieces of pottery. This mark dokimos means that the piece has gone through the furnace without cracking and has been approved for service. God's chosen vessels who have been approved for royal service are marked "dokimos." They don't need the approval of man, and they are always disapproved by those who are governed by the flesh.

...and blend them into sacred anointed oil. Exodus 30:25 (NABV)

According to the instructions of God to Moses after the principal spices had been prepared, they would be blended with olive oil. The essential element for the blending process.

By the help of my best friend, the Holy Spirit, I have given what I believe are the spiritual applications of the spices in an individuals life. After these characteristics have been formed in one's life through submission and total obedience unto God, then he/she will be found fit to be "blended" by the "apothecary."

And after the blending process, everyone will be able to notice the mark of God's approval upon an individual's life. ointment compound after the art of the apothecary:...
Exodus 30:25

There are some individuals who always try to "make" the anointing through gimmicks, and this does not last. It can be made only by the master apothecary - the Holy Spirit!

...neither shall ye make any other like it, after the composition of it: Exodus 30:32 (a)

The anointing is not to serve fleshly ends. Doing such things is like holding a time bomb or dynamite in one's hands.

If your motive is to make yourself well known, then you have missed the mark.

...upon man's flesh shall it not be poured. Exodus 30:32 (b)

When the word of God has fullness of authority in our hearts, and we are not following the voice of carnal reason then the dear Master Apothecary is not hindered by fleshly ends.

...or whosoever putteth any of it upon a stranger, shall even be cut off from his people. Exodus 30:33

One can be in the church and still be unsaved, just as a man in a garage is not a car. He will never walk in the anointing.

Chapter 3
The Master Apothecary

In modern times, an apothecary is a pharmaceutical chemist. One who is skilled in the preparation and dispensing of medicinal drugs. Now, just imagine a pharmacist who is unskilled, and prepares some medicines for an individual. He could possibly cause a death.

Years ago, I was a co-minister in a certain church (having conviction and peace) and left because of some strange teachings there. I had a friend who was still in that church. I told him that I was leaving to do what I believe the Lord told me to do. When he went to see the pastor with his own will to leave also (without my influence), the pastor told him that if he would leave "his" church that the anointing over his life will stop flowing. My friend joined me in the ministry and is now my spiritual son and a very anointed man of God. Had he listened to the unskilled apothecary, he could have been aborted spiritually. But because he listened to the master apothecary, to-this-day he is a carrier of God's anointing. My conclusion over this matter is that the anointing over one's life is in direct relation to the Holy Spirit Himself. My advice is beware of unskilled apothecaries, aborter of the carriers of God's anointing. They will be judged one day for the sin of spiritual murder, "thou shall not kill."

...and the communion of the Holy Ghost, be with you all. 2 Corinthians 13:14

The word communion in Greek is Koinoia meaning partnership, intercourse, fellowship, association and companionship, to share anything in common.

It gives you an idea of the relationship which a husband and wife have in common being one.

The communion of the Holy Spirit speaks of oneness. For so long, many have called the Holy Spirit all sorts of names. No sir, the Holy Spirit is not an "it," an influence, or the speaking in tongues. He is the Third Person of the Godhead. We must relate to Him as a person and not just an ordinary person, but Divine.

The highest price to pay to walk in God's anointing is to know the Holy Spirit. If you want to know about me, then ask my wife, and you will know everything For fifteen years being in common through our partnership, intercourse, fellowship, association and sharing anything in common, my wife knows everything about me. She will not leave me for all the gold on planet earth.

Therefore, if one knows the Holy Spirit, he will not exchange that relationship for anything else in life. The more I am knowing the Holy Spirit, the more His life is being manifested through me.

My wife and I share the same bed, the same room, same food and the same vision. In spite of our differences, through our relationship , we have become one. She is making every effort not to displease me. It must be the same with the Holy Spirit.

"Dear Holy Spirit, can I watch this T.V. program with you or not? Can we buy this article or not? Can we go to that place together? Please, Holy Spirit, if there is anything that will grieve you, help me not to do it."

That means common. We must develop this kind of relationship with the Holy Spirit through fellowship.

The foundation of oneness is love. As long as there is love in a marriage, the oneness will not be broken. In 1 Corinthians chapter 13 verse 4 through verse 7, the Bible mentions the characteristics of love.

If you violate these characteristics, you will break the oneness. The Greek physician prescribes a dose of 1 Corinthians 13:4-7 in order not to break the oneness - morning and evening, every day. This potion has been prepared by the Master Apothecary.

I admonish you my precious friends to develop a right relationship with the Holy Spirit. Everyday you will have an infusion of His power, and you will never be the same again. Yield yourself totally to Him. Tell Him about your weakness. Tell Him that without Him you are nothing. Ask Him for forgiveness when you have grieved Him. Worship Him as you worship the Father and the Lord Jesus.

One who walks carnally in the flesh and affection cannot develop a good relationship with the Holy Spirit. If man cannot develop a good relationship with his wife and commits adultery, it will take time to re-develop a good relationship again. You see, there is a price to pay. Many people do much work but have not time to fellowship with God. Fellowship with God must be first, then works will follow. Works which will bear fruits for God's glory.

Chapter 4
Levels of the Anointing

But the anointing which you have received from Him abides in you... I John 2:27

According to the word of God, every born-again, Spirit-filled child if God has the anointing in His life. But I believe that every child of God is responsible for keeping and increasing the level of anointing. That is why some walk in a greater anointing than others within himself.

And when the man went out to the east with the line in his hand, he measured one thousand cubits, and he brought me through the waters, the water came up to my ankles.

Again he measured one thousand and brought me through the waters, the water came up to my knees. Again he measured one thousand and brought me through, the water came up to my waist.

Again he measured one thousand and it was a river that I could not cross for the water was too deep, water in which one must swim, a river that could not be crossed. Ezekiel 47:3-5.

I believe that there are level or degrees of the anointing. Some walk at the ankle level. Some at the knee level. Some at the waist level, and some swim in the deep. This is due to the degree they dwell in the presence of Almighty God. They are carrying high levels of El-Shaddai's power.

I also believe that because of the authority entrusted to God's called apostles and prophets, they are the ones who walk in a stronger anointing. They are always a threat to the kingdom of darkness. Every church or ministry who relates to the apostolic and prophetic ministries will also carry a strong anointing.

In these last days God is restoring and sending His called apostles and prophets to restore the right pattern of His church so that He may release the highest level of His anointing that any other generation has ever received.

We can see that in the book of Ephesians, chapter 4, God says that the five-fold ministry will equip the saints. The word equip from the Greek word katartismos means making fully qualified for service.

The church must come to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the son of God, to a perfect man, to the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ. The word unity means oneness. It means having a common goal of doing God/s will on planet earth.

Unity and the Anointing

And the Lord said, Behold the people is one... and now nothing will be restrained from then, which they have imagined to do.  Genesis 11:6

Here we have an image of unity among the people to build a tower. The Lord scattered the people to break the unity among them and stop their evil project. There is great power issuing from unity. This is why God wants His children to walk in unity. Satan is activating his Machiavellian plan to bring strife and division among God's people. He is trying to stop the flow of that power of which he is so afraid of.

I pray for them: I pray not for the world. That they may be one, as those, Father, art in me, and I in Thee, that they also may be one in us: that the world may believe that Thou hast sent me. And the glory which thou gavest me I have given Thee, that they may be one, even as we are one. John 17:19, 21-22

The prayer Jesus made to the Father for His church two thousand years ago has transcended time and is reaching us today. Walls of divisions are being crumbled. In my own country I am seeing it happen. The spirit of unity is prevalent, and God is moving mightily. Those who open their heart to what God is doing concerning unity will be vessel through which He will spark the fire of the greatest move of His Spirit. I believe the day is coming when people from big ministries will come to small countries like Mauritius to see with their own eyes that God does not work according to man's greatness.

...there ariseth a little cloud out of the sea, like a man's hand. And it came to pass in the meanwhile that heavens was black with clouds and wind, and there was a great rain. 1 Kings 18:44-45

Can you see, precious friends what's going on? God has chosen the foolish, the base things and the things that are despised to shame the wise and mighty that no flesh should glory in His presence. A great rain is about to fall. We have to destroy our fleshly made "umbrellas." What we are seeing is nothing to compare to what is coming.

Jesus said in John 17:22, "and the glory which thou gavest me I have given them, that they may be one, even as we are one."

If you study in Exodus 25, you will have insight on how God gave instructions to Moses to build the tabernacle according to His pattern. And in chapter 40 of Exodus, after the tabernacle had been set up according to God's pattern, He manifested His glory in the form of a cloud. The Hebrew word for glory is Shekinah - the visible manifested presence of God.

The psalmist said in Psalms 26:8, "I have loved the place where you glory dwelleth."

And now, O Father, glorify me together with yourself, with the glory which I had with you before the world was.
John 17:5

When Jesus became incarnate, He "emptied" Himself of the glory that He had with the Father before the foundation of the world - the glory of being equal with God. On earth, Jesus did not use His glory of being equal with God. He was walking in the glory of being baptized in the Holy Spirit. And He has given that glory to the Church for the purpose of unity.

In His earthly walk, Jesus manifested the glory of being the express image of the Father in human form.

And through the cross, He would give that glory to the church - through unity. The Church will walk in a high level of God's power.

Now remember well that God manifested His glory after Moses had built the tabernacle according to the pattern that was given to him. In Ephesians, chapter 4 and verse 11, we see the pattern which Jesus gave the church, but instead men have put their hands to building according to the pattern of flesh. The glory of God can bring back the unity of the Spirit.

Behold how delightful and how sweet it is for brethren to dwell together in unity (spirit version)

It is like the precious oil upon the head, running down upon the beard, upon the beard of Aaron, running down on the collar of his robes. (rsv)

Harmony is as refreshing as the dew on Mount Hermon, on the mountain of Israel. (Taylor version)

There the Lord bestows His blessing life for evermore. (nebv)

Chapter 5
Anointed with Joy

Psalms 133:1-3

Rejoice in the Lord always: again I say, Rejoice. Philippians 4:4

If you study the letter of Paul to the Philippians, you will notice the circumstances Paul was in when he wrote this letter, and honestly ask yourself, how can Paul in such a situation talk about the joy of the Lord sixteen times?

Paul wrote his letter to the Philippians during his first Roman imprisonment. This church had a great missionary zeal and was consistent in supporting Paul's apostolic ministry. The dominant aspect of this letter is that of triumphant joy.

One of the Hebrew words for joy is simachah - meaning carefree, triumphant joy. This is what Paul was talking about when encouraging his brothers and sister on how to be triumphantly joyful in whatever circumstances, and at all time.

I have learned from one of my precious friends about the imprisonment of Paul in Rome. It was not like our modern prison with good food and physical exercise on a sunny day. It was a hole in the earth with no windows, without light and totally black with a horrible smell.

It was the central holding tank of the strength of Rome where all toilet water flowed through. Most prisoners died from the smell. Paul was held alive in chains and isolated in complete darkness in a sewage hole. From time to time, a Roman soldier would come down with a candle and hand over to Paul a writing pen and paper permitting him to write a letter. His only right being that he was a Roman citizen. It was right in that hole that Paul wrote to the Philippians and told them to rejoice in the Lord always. How could Paul rejoice in such a place? It was that joy of the Lord which was sustaining Paul alive.

For I know that this shall turn to my salvation through your prayer, and the supply of the Spirit of Jesus Christ.
Philippians 1:19

The Philippians were genuinely upholding Paul in prayer more so than any other church, and the Holy Spirit was supplying supernatural strength to him making him joyful. The joy of the Lord was being infused in his inner being.

Paul had communion with the Holy Spirit. There was oneness between the great duo - the Holy Spirit and Paul.

One of the Greek words for joy in the New Testament is Charis - derived from charuo meaning grace. Joy is a direct result of God's grace upon an individual.

And he said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee, for my strength is made perfect in weakness. 2 Corinthians 12:9

Charis is the divine influence upon the heart, and its reflection in life. Paul was reflecting that divine power - joy! This kind of joy cannot be affected by any circumstance, but it affects circumstance.

My brethren, count it all joy when ye fall into divers temptation; James 1:2

The word "count" in Greek is Hegeoma - meaning to lead, to be the chief, to preside, to govern or rule. Here the writer was saying, "let the JOY that has been infused in you inner man be your leader. Let it preside, govern, and rule over you." Whatever circumstances you might be facing, it is for the trial of your faith which brings forth patience.

The Greek word for patience is Hupomonc - meaning the capacity to abide and resist under pressure. God wants to produce in His beloved children the divine capacity to resist whatever pressure of life and walk out triumphant with joy - making us perfect after the patience process. The word perfect in Greek is Teleios meaning full grown, fully developed adult.

... The oil of joy for mourning, the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness, that they may be called trees of righteousness, the planting of the Lord, that He may be glorified.  Isaiah 61:3

Chapter 6
The Enemy of The Anointing

We have learned during our study that our relationship with the Master Apothecary must be a perfect one through oneness because the anointing upon our lives depends on that relationship. Like a husband and wife, there is only one thing that can break the oneness between them and that's adultery. So the oneness between the Holy Spirit and a child of God in the same way can be broken, and it should not have to be so.

Satan will try by any means to break this oneness through any open door in order to stop the flow of the anointing in our lives. As far as I can understand by the Holy Spirit, I want to help my beloved brothers and sisters to know what can stop the flow of God's anointing in our lives.

And grieve not the Holy Spirit of God, whereby ye are sealed unto the day of redemption. Ephesians 4:30

Yet they rebelled and grieved His Holy Spirit; only then was he changed into their enemy... Isaiah 63:10 (NEBV)

In grieving the Holy Spirit, you make the Holy Spirit your enemy. When one gives his/her body in intimate relations to another person other than his/her legal partner, it causes grief, sorrow or sadness an separation.

How can one grieve the Holy Spirit?

Neither give place to the devil. Ephesians 4:27

The Greek word for place is Topos where we derive such words as Topography. It is used for a region, a locality, area or place which is occupied by a thing or person(s). Therefore, giving a place to the devil for occupying rather than to the Holy Spirit, we break our intimacy with Him. This is committing spiritual adultery.

How does someone give place or access to the devil?

If men comply with their lower nature, their thoughts are shaped by the lower nature.
Romans 8:5 (Weymouth version)

...but those who follow after the Holy Spirit find themselves doing these things that please God.
Romans 8:5 (Taylor version)

The mind which is interested only in carnal things is enmity to God. Romans 8:7 (Norlie version)

In the book of Romans, Galatians and Ephesians, etc., you have a long list of how many Christians nourish and affectionate their carnal nature and walk. There is also a long list of how we as Christians are advised to affectionate our mind with spiritual things. Idleness is causing Christians to abstain from Bible study and meditation on the word of God. Sometimes when you see Christians of five to ten years in the church as pew-warmers, it brings shame for the way they are living.

Often some questions may arise like, "Hey, how can such and so live in sin and walk in the power of God."

How are the mighty fallen in the midst of the battle. 2 Samuel 1:25

The shield of Saul, as though he had not been anointed with oil. 2 Samuel 1:21

Sad to say, the day when mighty soldiers of God fall into sin always comes, it they don't repent.

Do you remember Samson of old? There was a time in Israel when the Philistines were giving a hard time to the people of God because of the evil done by them in the sight of the Lord their God. In His mercy, God sent a deliverer in the person of Samson. There wasn't a man or army strong enough to stand against Samson as long as he carried God's anointing upon his life. He was giving a hard time to the enemy, and the roles reversed.

But satan was watching and looking for a place in the life of Samson to occupy, and he found a place. The instrument of defeat was used in the hand of the enemy, Delilah. Finally, Samson took the bait and was hooked. In losing his seven locks of hair on his head (a symbol of his consecration unto God), Samson lost his anointing. He was defeated. Character building goes hand in hand with the anointing. You build your character in the school of the Holy Spirit, not human made in a school. Character makes you stand, and the anointing is for effective service. Many precious servants of God have the anointing, but not Godly character. You must have both.

Delilah comes from a root Hebrew word day - meaning to be feeble, be emptied, to fail, to dry up or to languish. To languish means to lose strength, to become weak. Delilah is watching for an open door in our lives in order to languish the anointing. So when we try to fight back, we will not be able to make it and be defeated. Church, this is not the time to play. It is the time to rise up in the power of God, shouting the battle-cry, and together joining our hands and enforcing Calvary's victory.

Arise from the depression and prostration in which circumstances have kept you: rise to a new life! Shine - be radiant with the glory of the Lord! For the light is come and the glory of the Lord is risen upon you!
Isaiah 60:1 (Amplified version)

Chapter 7
The Blessings of The Fresh Oil Anointing

...I am anointed with fresh oil. Psalms 92:10 (ABPS version)

I have noticed that there are many sincere ministers (I was one of them) who dwell on what God did yesterday. They try to make things work on the anointing which was on them yesterday. It is here where satan, the counterfeiter, is seducing many of our precious ones.

God does not make duplication but originals. When in service, oil always loses its thickness and in due time must be replaced by fresh oil. Just like the oil in the engine of your vehicle can cause damage if it's not changed every 3000 miles. We, as serving the Lord, need a daily infusion of God's fresh anointing. There is no substitution for any child of God to dwell in the presence of El Shaddai daily in communion and not come out with a fresh anointing.

Who shall ascend into the hill of the Lord? Or who shall stand in His holy place? He that hath clean hands a pure heart; who hath not lifted up his soul unto vanity, nor sworn righteousness from the God of his salvation. This is the generation of them that seek Him that seek Thy face, O Jacob. Psalms 24:3-6

Daily communion with the Father, Son and Holy Ghost must be our priority. It must not fit according to our time table. We always have time for everything in life, but not time for fellowship with God.

We have time to preach, that's good.

Time to read Christian books, that's good.

But what about our priority? This is what our God is longing for, His children to dwell daily in His presence.

Through Psalm 92 verses 10 to 15, we will study about the blessings of the fresh anointing.


But my horn shall thou exalt like the horn of an unicorn: I shall be anointed with fresh oil. Palms 92:10

But you have promoted me, so that I am like a powerful buffalo; I am anointed with fresh oil.
Psalms 92:10 (Harrison version)

The first blessing of walking in the fresh anointing is promotion. I personally never met anyone who does not like to be promoted. The Bible says in Psalms 75 that promotion comes neither from the east nor from the south, but from God.

The word horn is from the Hebrew word Geren which is symbolic of strength, power and victory. The word promotion is from the Hebrew word Fumm meaning to rise or raise, to bring up or to exalt. This is what God wants to do with His children.


Mine eyes also shall see my desire on mine enemies.
Psalms 92:11

The word perceive means to have insight, to discern, to see, to consider, to give ear, to understand and to hear intelligently.

...and anoint your eyes with eye salve, that you may see. Revelation 3:18

...and do not know that you are blind  Revelation 3:17

The church of Laodicea had become self satisfied. They were blinded and self-satisfied with material wealth. They said that they now needed nothing. They became lukewarm without the fresh anointing.

Jesus said to Laodicea to anoint their eyes with eye salve. Laodicea had the reputation of producing salve for the curing of eye disorders. Having become spiritually blind, Jesus told them that they needed the fresh anointing added to their spiritual blindness in order to regain good perception. Like many churches who are dead today needing the fresh anointing to cure their spiritual blindness. Walking in the fresh anointing will allow the children of God to have insight on what is going on and discern between the genuine and the counterfeit.


Without being spiritually sensitive, we will not be able to hear the voice of God. Dwelling and listening in the presence of God will develop our spiritual sensitivity.

If ever I call for my wife or one of my two children, whomever I call for will answer and come to me. Why? By being in the same house and living together for years, we know each other's voice. Our natural sensitivity has been developed. It is the same thing with God.

Then He openeth the ears of men. (KJV)
Then He makes His secrets clear to men. (Basic English version)
Then it is He whispers in the ears of man. (Jerusalem version)
He speaks words of revelation. (Knox version)
Job 33:16

Many are not hearing what the Holy Spirit is saying. Those who walk in the fresh anointing have good spiritual sensitivity and can hear the voice of God.


The righteous shall flourish like the palm tree; he shall grow like a cedar in Lebanon. Those that be planted in the house of the Lord shall flourish in the courts of our God. They shall still bring forth fruit in old age; they shall be fat and flourishing. Psalms 92:12-14

Another blessing of the fresh anointing is that you will become fertile and able to produce., Too many children of God are not reaching their potential to produce for God's glory, and they remain sterile.

In John, the fifteenth chapter, Jesus says, those who do not produce fruit are cut away by His Father, and He purges those who bear fruit. I conclude that our Father does not tolerate non-productivity because He has provided everything needed for His children to be productive.


Eager to declare that the Lord is just, the Lord my rock, in whom there is no unrighteousness. Psalm 92:15 (NEBV)

In chapter two, I wrote about the five ingredients of the anointing oil. Five speaks of grace. We also have, by God's grace five benefits of the fresh anointing according to Psalm 92 verses 10 through 15 in our study.

There are too many "mouth-closed: Christians nowadays. They are afraid to open their mouths to speak about Jesus, but when they gossip, then their mouths are "wide-opened" by a counterfeit "anointing." This is why the harvest is being delayed. When one is anointed with fresh oil, he will not be able to close his mouth. He will speak about the grace of the Almighty God.

...and my mouth was opened, and I was no more dumb. Ezekiel 33:22

Many Christians need deliverance from spiritual dumbness. They need the fresh anointing for them to declare the goodness of God.

Now numerous Samaritans from that town believed on and trusted in Him because of what the woman said when she declared and testified. John 4:39 Amplified version)

To declare means to make known, to announce openly. Too many ministers are busy making themselves well known and are making Jesus unknown. We, as God's servants, must not become celebrities, but we must celebrate Jesus. If not, the Lord will stop the flow of His anointing on our lives and all resources will bankrupt.

And if you and we belong to Christ guaranteed as His and anointed, it is all God's doing. 2 Corinthians 1:21 (NEBV)

Very dear brothers and sisters in the Lord. I love you and consider myself the least among you. From a drunkard at the point of death, God in His mercy took hold of my hand. I have never been to Bible school. I was so poor. I am one He called because of His grace upon my life. I don't know everything about the anointing. What I have written is just a drop I took hold of when He allowed me to. God's blessings be upon you as you peruse this book.

Living to do His Will,
Jean-Claude Soupin
 10th of January, 1997.

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